
This plugin resolves the chain by sending a standard HTTP request to the configured URL value. This is included in your plugins by default and is most commonly used when defining a custom pipeline.

  • Type: (handler: string | RequestHandler) => ClientPlugin
import { HoudiniClient } from '$houdini'
import { fetch } from '$houdini/plugins'

export default new HoudiniClient({
    url: "...",
    pipeline: [

If you want to do something very custom you can pass fetch a function to use

import { HoudiniClient } from '$houdini'
import { fetch } from '$houdini/plugins'
import type { RequestHandler } from './$houdini'

const fetchFn: RequestHandler = async ({ fetch, text, variables }) => {
    // make sure to use the fetch you were handed in case the user
    // needs a specific one
    const result = await fetch("...", {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            Authorization: `Bearer ${session?.user.token}`,
        body: JSON.stringify({
            query: text,

    return await result.json()

export default new HoudiniClient({
    url: "...",
    pipeline: [